Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting 13th September 2010

Roger Cornwell, Jean Rogers, Lesley Aers, John Hitchman
Roger Cornwell volunteered to chair the meeting, and Jean Rogers to take the minutes. There was currently no secretary in post. Roger reported that he was in the process of filling in the forms required to change the signatories on the bank account.
Desmond Evans, Ann Evans, Colin Green, Carole Reeves
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record.
The following matters arose, in no particular order:
County Plan: A submission has been put in on behalf of the group. The meeting expressed its appreciation of the work Carole Reeves had put into this.
It was agreed that the text of our submission should be uploaded to the web site.
Dates of future meetings: Despite the low attendance, the meeting was unanimously opposed to a return to meeting on the last Monday of the month.
Roger agreed to circulate his CCP mailing list, asking people to rule out dates which they were unable to make; a date would be set for the October meeting on the basis of responses to this.
Town Council: There was some discussion on this item in the minutes; there were requests for further information, both about the desirability of a Town Council and of the progress of the campaign. Roger would ask Nigel Martin for an update.
Byland Lodge: There is no evidence of construction going on at Byland Lodge, and the site is at risk from vandals. Roger would ask Nigel Martin if he had any information.
The related issue of Pleskies Park was raised, and it was suggested that it might be time for another clean-up session.
Application for a small grant:
An application had been received for a grant to provide fridge magnets to students, with information about recycling dates. In the absence of the applicant, no information was available about costings, practicalities or alternative sources of funding, and the grant was not approved.
Other business:
There is a bus-stop at St Margaret's School, uphill only (that is, with no corresponding stop for buses travelling in the opposite direction). Bus drivers are not always aware of this stop, and may be reluctant to pick up or let off there. Members are urged to make use of this bus stop, for fear it may be withdrawn.
Date of October meeting
to be agreed.