Crossgate Community Partnership

Community tree planting at Laburnum Avenue, February 2024
Photo © Roger Cornwell
Crossgate Community Partnership is a forum for the people of the Crossgate area of Durham to work together to conserve and improve its environment and amenities, and to promote a strong, safe, healthy, and balanced community.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 1st April at 7.30 pm at the College of St Hild and St Bede, Rushford Court. Anyone and everyone living in the area is welcome to attend.
Meanwhile, the email list (see below) remains at your disposition to share news and thoughts.
There is also an extensive archive of minutes of past meetings.
Our AGM in January 2025 re-appointed the following trustees for 2025: Emma Backhouse, Roger Cornwell, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Simon Priestley and Sarah Wilkinson.
2025 Schedule
Our meetings for 2025 will take place on the following dates, all at 7.30pm in Rushford Court - with our thanks, as ever, to Unite Students and Hild/Bede College for making this facility available to us:
- Thursdays: 9 January (AGM), 6 March, 1 May, 3 July, 4 September, 6 November.
- Tuesdays: 4 February, 1 April, 3 June, 5 August, 7 October, 2 Decemberr
Discussion group
AntiSocial Noise Procedure
Durham University, Durham County Council and Durham Constabulary have collaborated to put in place a new Anti- Social Noise Procedure, codifying the action that can be taken when noise from student properties causes a disturbance.
This confirms that the first step in dealing with noise is to report it to the police non-emergency number (101). Efforts are being made to ensure call handlers are aware of student areas and the bespoke protocol in place by which Durham Constabulary handle calls relating to noise in these areas - but you may find it helps to mention the University's has a Community Response Team.
You are also encouraged to log the incident using the PinPoint tool (see below) as well as the County Council's Noise Complaints system.
City of Durham Parish Council
Members of the public are entitled to attend all meetings and Committee Meetings of the Council, and there is an opportunity to speak during the Public Participation section of the agenda.
The Full Council meetings usually take place on the fourth Thursday of each month. This may sometimes be subject to change and the Council may elect to call extraordinary meetings. The Agendas for these meetings are published giving three clear days notice, so that residents are aware of when and where our meetings will be held and what topics are on the Agenda for discussion. Copies of Council Agendas and Minutes can be found here (scroll down the page for latest in date).
You can either access it from a link over on the right of the Parish Council website, or directly by clicking on this link.
There is also a PinPoint map which shows where earlier incidents have been reported.
This is not a substitute for reporting incidents via 101. Its purpose is to gather evidence so that Parish Council actions and policies are based on sound evidence.
Neighbourhood Wardens
Neighbourhood wardens work to improve the quality of life for residents by reducing the level of anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. There is more information on the County Council website.
To reach the Neighbourhood Wardens, telephone 03000 26 0000, e-mail or use Do It Online.

Police contacts
Any complaints of antisocial behaviour by students should be referred to the police: excessive noise after 23.00 is unacceptable and should be logged (dial 101, and take note of incident number). The University no longer takes responsibility for the behaviour of students living outside colleges. Calling the police enables them to log incidents, so that there is a public record.
The University Liaison officer is Sean Tindale, e-mail: .
The Inspector in charge of the City team is now Dave Clarke, who says "Contact me if I can help with anything at all."
Tel: 0345 6060 365 (ext.200993)
There is a police information system at where you can sign up to receive e-mails with information about crime trends, fraud etc.
For non-emergency matters, the police contact number is now 101; if this does not answer, try 0345 60 60 365.
Living out in Crossgate? Download the Council's Student Life App for information on rubbish and recycling (including bin collection dates for your street), accommodation, events in Durham, personal safety, health, wellbeing and lots more!
All you wanted to know about HMOs and licensing in Durham: Cllr Liz Brown answers your questions!
Crossgate Community Partnership is a charity whose objects are:
- to promote the conservation and improvement of the physical and natural environment of Crossgate and the surrounding area in Durham City
- to promote the establishment, continuation, and improvement of local amenities
- to build and maintain a strong, safe, healthy, and balanced community by encouraging the residents of Crossgate and neighbouring areas to participate in community activities.
Minutes of past meetings Additional documents