Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting 5th April 2011

Roger Cornwell, (Cllr) Nigel Martin, Jean Rogers, Odile Fong, Dick Fong, Mary Hawgood, Carole Reeves, Lesley Aers, Jan Harwood, Mike Costello, Jim Coxon, (Cllr) Grenville Holland, John Halliday (Neighbourhood Warden)
Apologies for absence:
were received from Colin Green (Treasurer), Jeff Young, Paul Burgess, Simon Squires, Desmond Evans and Ann Evans.
Roger Cornwell chaired the meeting.
Report of the Neighbourhood Warden:
John Halliday reported that considering the end of term, last month had gone well; this may have reflected the lateness of Easter, and the effects of the mass clear-up which followed the March meeting.
Thirty bags of rubbish had been removed from Sutton Street;
Flass Street continues to be a problem; the steep cobbled back alley is unsuitable for large heavy bins; the back lane is unadopted, and it was suggested that adoption might help. Fines can be imposed, but this is a reaction after the problem, and prevention would be preferable.
Byland Lodge: the developers have started to clear the site.
The minutes of the last meeting
were amended to a) use the preferred name of Jackie Levitas and b) record that the dates of future meetings had been discussed. With these amendments, the minutes were approved as a correct record.
Matters Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
The following matters arose:
  1. Neville's Cross Battle Walk: John Halliday had visited Flass Vale and Flass Street, and will organise a litter pick there. He will also investigate clearing the steps on Flass Street (whose status may be discoverable via the Council's GIS system) and e-mail Roger Cornwell details of the person to contact at National Rail about litter on the embankment (and on Priors' Path).
    Roger will forward the report to P3 (the Parish Paths Partnership) who may be able to help improve the missing waymarking;
    Nigel Martin expressed willingness to help putting together a package and finding matched funding.
  2. Outstanding issues: Mike Costello reported that cleaning continues, and that the streets affected are looking good. John Halliday will pass on the meeting's comments and thanks to those responsible, and in addition Mike will write to thank Terry Collins on behalf of the meeting.
  3. Green Belt: Mike Costello had been at a meeting which drew up a statement in defence of the Green Belt. This was read out, and the meeting agreed to endorse it. There would be a further meeting on the following Monday.
  4. Peskies Park clean-up: the date of June 11th was proposed.
  5. Article 4 directives: no reply yet to Roger Cornwell's letter to Stuart Timmiss, which had only recently been sent; the matter might be raised at the Balanced Communities meeting the following Friday.
  6. On the basis of his inquiries, Dick Fong proposed that future meetings should alternate between the first Monday and the first Tuesday of the month. It was agreed to try this until the end of the year, subject to the availability of the meeting room (which Roger Cornwell would book). Meetings will therefore be held on Tuesday 3rd May, Monday 6th June, Tuesday 5th July, Monday 1st August, Tuesday 6th September, Monday 3rd October, Tuesday 1st November, Monday 5th December and (exceptionally, but for obvious reasons) Tuesday 10th January 2012.
Councillors' Reports
Nigel Martin reported that the planning application for a workshop in the Peth / the Avenue (11/00235/FPA) had been called in and would be considered by the committee;
Consolidation work was being carried out in Clay Lane;
and work was in hand on traffic calming measures in Margery Lane.
Grenville Holland spoke about the Rookstone development (11/00235/FPA: behind Field House Lane) where the developer had been building three-storey houses despite planning consent being given for two stories. The planning officers had not intervened, but local residents have raised the issue.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 3rd May.