Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the meeting 6th September 2011
- Attendance:
- Carole Reeves, Simon and Ros Priestley, Caroline Scholl, Cllr. Grenville Holland, David Ramsden, Janeice Spence, Shamus Smith, Pauline Butler, Halusia Good, Richard and Odile Fong, Jan Harwood.
- Apologies for absence:
- were received from Roger Cornwell, Lesley Aers, Colin Green, Mike Costello, Desmond and Ann Evans.
- Carole Reeves chaired the meeting.
- Neighbourhood Warden and Police Reports
- In the absence of Neighbourhood warden and Police representatives, these were not presented.
- AAP report
- Carole Reeves reported that:
- meetings of this group were open to anyone wishing to attend, which led to a discussion about advertising the meetings. The removal of the free-standing notice board in the market place was regretted. Cllr. Holland will investigate a possible replacement of this facility.
- the police aim is to make Durham the safest place in the country. Their activities will particularly focus on city centre thefts and the Viaduct area in terms of noisy behaviour. A leaflet will be produced to promote awareness of 'City Watch'
- a multi-sourced financial package is being sought to fund the redevelopment of Wharton Park.
- a group of artists plan to open an art exhibition and selling facility in the city centre and have requested funding from the AAP. This meeting expressed support for the project. Carole Reeves will write a letter of support.
- The minutes of the previous meeting were not available for approval.
- Matters arising
- The decision to close the Tourist Information Centre was regretted.
- There was no report on the progress of the Green Belt campaign. The County Council's plans will be published in November and the proposed national planning legislation will also impact on this issue.
- The distribution of the invitation leaflet to this meeting had resulted in new attendees.
- Any Other Business
- Concern was expressed about dangerous cycling practises e.g. riding the wrong way down one way streets, riding in pedestrian areas and on pavements, lack of lights. The return of student cyclists is likely to increase the incidence of problem. Carole undertook to write to the police asking if the issues could be addressed in the proposed leaflet (see earlier item).
- Cllr. Holland undertook to investigate the lack of response to a letter sent to County Hall about the grass-cutting regime operating in St. Margaret's graveyard.
- An update was provided on the issue of buses in Mowbray/Waddington Street area. Noise is now generally less and measurement of pollution levels had indicated that these were within the EU guidelines.
- There was a discussion about the proposed traffic calming measures in Margery Lane which were thought to be inadequate. Cllr. Holland will take this matter up with County Council. Concern was also expressed about the speed of traffic using The Avenue at rush hours.
- Date of next meeting
- Monday 3rd October.