Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting 6th March 2012

1. Attendance:
Present: Roger Cornwell, Simon Squires, Jean Rogers, Councillor Grenville Holland, Odile Fong, Dick Fong, Carole Reeves, Lesley Aers, Jan Harwood, Ruth Chambers.
2. Apologies for absence:
were received from Councillor Nigel Martin, Mike Costello, Ann Evans and Desmond Evans.
3. Roger Cornwell took the chair, and welcomed those present to the meeting.
4. Neighbourhood Warden's Report:
The Neighbourhood Warden was not present.
5. Police Report
Roger Cornwell read out his e-mail correspondence with Inspector Anderson, and undertook to write again, expressing disappointment that no representative of the police was present at the meeting.
6. AAP Report:
The AAP representative was not present.
7. The minutes of the previous meeting
were agreed as a correct record.
8. Matters arising
(a) Rubbish and recycling collection: the schedule of areas covered by the new system was circulated, and confusion ensued. Cllr. Grenville Holland agreed to write asking where and how the new system would be applied in the Crossgate area.
(b) Play equipment removed from Allergate Park: Roger had written as agreed to Stephen Howell, enquiring whether Halfords, as sponsors of the Cycle Race, would be willing to help fund its reinstatement. The reply was that since Durham pays to host the race, this was unlikely. Grenville explained the background to the removal of the equipment: he would now return to the officers, to express the dissatisfaction of local people. If Roger did not receive anything further from Stephen Howell he would write again, asking whether the council was planning to replace it regardless.
(c) County Durham Plan: Roger reported on the meeting at which Stuart Timmiss had spoken to the trustees of the City of Durham Trust. The schedule appears to be retreating. Roger would put together the available information on the current schedule and circulate it.
(d) Closure of the TIC: Grenville had raised the inadequacy of the information at the Town Hall; he had been given the standard answer, that the electronic link will be up and running by the end of March. The meeting thanked Grenville for pursuing this, Carole Reeves will research the position in Middleton-in-Teesdale, where there is a voluntary service.
(e) The meeting confirmed the appointment of Simon Squires as CCP Treasurer, replacing Colin Green. In order to do this The Co-operative Bank require us to pass a formal resolution, which was circulated and passed unanimously by the meeting. The text of that resolution is appended to these minutes.
(f) The Voluntary Code of Practice on Letting Boards in Durham City came into force on March 1st. Roger had counted two dozen boards in the course of a walk round Crossgate, with particular agents predominating. It was agreed that the next meeting would return to this issue; in the interim people were asked to gather information about numbers of boards and agents responsible in any individual street.
(g) Roger and Carole spoke about the Article 4 direction consultation exercise, and urged people to respond, via
9. Grant Application
An application had been received for a grant towards Durham Car Free Days. There was conflicting information about this, and the applicant was not present to support the application, so no grant was made.
10. Local Councillors' report
It was noted that Grenville had already reported on a number of previous items. He told the meeting that, in addition, most of the previous month's work at the Council had been concerned with the budget.
11. Any Other Business
Dick Fong remarked on the large number of potholes in the roads at present: Grenville asked for details to be e-mailed to him, since there is a budget to deal with this. (Details can also be sent to the Highways Action Line).
14. Date of the next meeting
Monday 2nd April 2012.