Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the meeting 1st May 2012
- 1. Attendance:
- Present: Councillor Grenville Holland, Dick Fong, Odile Fong, Ann Evans, Carole Reeves, Jean Rogers, Simon Squires, Ruth Chambers and Roger Cornwell.
Debbie Sadler-Watson and Malcolm Knox, Durham Police, Framwellgate Moor; David Parker and Leesa Bennison, Durham Police, City beat team.
- 2. Apologies for absence:
- were received from Simon James, Lesley Aers, David Ramsden,
and from Janie Bickersteth for lateness.
Apologies subsequently received from Jackie Litherland.
- 3. Roger Cornwell took the chair, and welcomed those present to the meeting.
- 4. Neighbourhood Warden's Report:
- The Neighbourhood Warden was not present.
- 5. Police Report
- Officers were present from both police areas into which Crossgate falls. They reported that April had been a quiet month, and detailed some incidents.
Operation Hawkeye aims to prevent crime by identifying vulnerable vehicles, contacting their owners and advising them about not leaving items of value in their cars; leaflets about this were distributed, as were marker pens (property should be marked with house number and postcode).
Grenville Holland commented on the rise in rowdiness in the North Road, and asked whether the police office in the North Road could be reinstated?
It was agreed that the meeting should be recognised as a PACT meeting, which regarded rowdiness in the North Road as a priority; the first half hour of the June meeting would also be a PACT meeting.
- 6. The minutes of the previous meeting
- It was noted that the date of the open meeting about Wharton Park, which had now passed, had been omitted (item 5), and that item 6d should read "The process of installing Simon Squires as the group's treasurer continues." with these reservations, the minutes were agreed as a correct record.
- 7. Matters arising
- (a) Wharton Park: The Council continues to gather money in the hopes of matching lottery funding for major work on Wharton Park. In the meantime, the park, which will be visited by the Olympic torch, is poorly maintained, poorly advertised and not well signposted. The meeting accepted Carole Reeves's offer to ask her contact in the Friends of Wharton Park to come and speak to a future meeting.
- (b) Rubbish and recycling collection: Grenville had seen a map marking the individual houses to which blue bins would be delivered. He had been told that the 'viaduct area' was being omitted from the new scheme as "too problematic". He would continue to seek clarification of the situation through the Council. Given the difficulty of obtaining firm information from the Council, Roger was asked to take the issue to the press.
- (c) Cycle Race: Carole reminded the meeting that the race had been given as a reason not to install the requested speed bumps in Margery Lane. Grenville had been asking for warning lights, and would do so again, with the support of the meeting - this should be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
Lights at foot of The Peth: Janie Bickersteth raised the related issue of the junction and pedestrian crossing at the bottom of the Peth: it was agreed that the pedestrian phase is too short; in addition, cars frequently seem to jump the lights. Roger Cornwell and Janie would try to gather evidence for the next meeting.
Play equipment removed from Allergate Park: Ruth Chambers had submitted an e-petition for the return of the play equipment, and would inform the group when this was available for signing. (Petition)
- (d) Tourist Information: The display in the Town Hall had improved, but was no substitute for a proper TIC; Carole Reeves will research the position in Middleton-in-Teesdale, where there is a voluntary service. It was noted that Colin Wilkes, of Durham Markets, is supporting the voluntary Durham Pointers scheme.
- (e) Appointment of Simon Squires as Treasurer: The mandate has been sent to the bank.
- (f) Article 4 direction consultation exercise: once again, those who had not yet replied were encouraged to do so, via
- 8. Town Council governance review
- People are urged to reply to the consultation.
- 9. Banks' revised proposals for Mount Oswald
- Ann Evans had been to the display; the proposals had not undergone any major changes; Janie had looked at the online documentation and thought that the number of houses proposed had been reduced. It was noted that the existing County Plan proposed development of this site for business, not housing; and that any suggestion that housing would accommodate students was purely speculative.
- 10. Planning Appeal on 13 Neville Street
- The appeal was turned down.
- 11. Local Councillors' report
- Grenville reported that the Fieldhouse Lane development had now been completed, although part of it still had no planning consent, and the buildings were not in accordance with the planning consent where that had been given. Planning officers were proposing granting retrospective planning permission, and this would be considered by the committee on Tuesday. He encouraged people to attend.
- 12. Any Other Business
- Planning applications had been submitted for Neville Court (which was thought to look promising), for a change of use for Metcalfe House, and for retrospective approval of construction of a patio at 38, The Avenue (although this application was not yet valid).
- 13. Date of the next meeting
- Monday 11th June 2012.