Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting 5th October 2015
- 1. Attendance
- Present: Steve Bell, Liz Brown, Alexis Cleveland, Mike Costello, Alan Doig, Ann Evans, John Knowles, Jackie Levitas, Ann Lockhart, John Lowe, Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, Kevin Turrington, and Clare Wright.
Cllr Nigel Martin,
PCSO Steve Bell, PCSO Rebecca Carey
- 2. Apologies for absence:
- were received from Ruth Chambers, Roger Cornwell, Dick and Odile Fong, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden, Jean Rogers and Simon Squires,
Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Richard Ormerod.
- 3. in the absence of Roger Cornwell, Mike Costello was in the chair and welcomed attenders to the meeting.
- 4. PACT (Police And Communities Together) Session
- a) Steve Bell presented a written report. There had been a decrease in cycle thefts during the summer. A bike safety message was being publicised with a number of old bikes sprayed pink. This was timed to coincide with the return of students which usually signalled an increase in these thefts.
The City Beat Team will carry out a number of initiatives in relation to burglaries, noise nuisance and student safety.
Rebecca Carey gave a short talk on procedures for dealing with AntiSocial Behaviour: it was hoped that by clear communication and prompt action this could be reduced in the Durham City area. It was confirmed that any complaints of ASB should be referred to the police and that excessive noise after 23.00 was unacceptable and should be logged (dial 101 and take note of incident number). The University no longer takes responsibility for the behaviour of students living outside colleges.
- b) Priorities are dangerous cycling, student behaviour and illegal parking.
- 5. The minutes of the previous meeting
- were agreed as a correct record.
- 6. Matters arising
- No matters arose other than those already appearing as separate agenda items.
- 7. Council Consultations
- A multi-consultation was taking place on 6 different issues:
- An accreditation scheme for student accommodation;
- a draft Policy 32 on student accommodation;
- article 4 direction (1) and
- article 4 direction (2);
- a review of the air quality amelioration policy
- and review of the Conservation Area.
Members were advised to attend at least one session and make their views known.
- 8. PBSA Planning Applications
- a) It was reported that after a number of error and omissions had been identified in the Diamond Terrace application, there would be a further round of consultation on the revised plan. Roger Cornwell had submitted objections based on failure in the application to comply with building regulations.
- b) The planning application for The Gates had been recommended for approval.
- c) A request by Peveril Securities for a public inquiry into the refusal of planning permission for the County Hospital had been rejected; their appeal against the refusal would now go to a hearing including a site visit at which further representations could be made.
- d) Cllr Nigel Martin and Cllr Grenville Holland had met with the developers proposing to build 2-bed flats on the Companions' Club site. It was agreed that safeguards were needed to ensure that these flats were not let to students.
- 9. University / Community issues
- Representatives of Durham University / Residents Forum had met with Ian Thompson, the DCC Director for Regeneration. The Vice Chancellor had appointed a deputy to take responsibility for student issues and once that appointment took effect, that person would attend local residents' associations meetings.
Nigel questioned why councillors were not invited to DURF meetings: it was explained that the intention was to keep attendance at these meetings small and thus more efficient, but the issue of membership by councillors would be looked at.
- 10. Neighbourhood Planning Forum
- There would be a full meeting of the NPF on Wednesday 7th October.
- 11. County Plan
- The County Council was working on modifications of the County Plan. There would be consultations but it was also hoped that the Council team would also meet with local residents to hear their views.
- 12. Community Centre for Neville's Cross
- It was reported that there were funds from Banks available for a Community centre in the Neville's Cross, area but as yet a suitable site had not been agreed. A steering group was needed to enable the scheme to go ahead.
- 13. Reports from local Councillors
- A written report had been received from Cllr Richard Ormerod. It was agreed that he should be asked to continue to pursue the issue of a handrail on the bottom LHS of Crossgate, and also additional railing on the steps down to Bella Pasta where the existing rail did not reach the top of the steps and there was no rail on the opposite side.
Provision of a notice board was welcomed and it was proposed that it should be located near The Angel in Crossgate.
There was also discussion of a proposal to install a replica of the original Neville's Cross. There would be a meeting to discuss the project and to view drawings of on 19th October at 7.00 pm in the Scout Hut (behind St John's Church).
Nigel said that as it appeared that funds were available to install Bollards across some back lanes, this work should go ahead.
- 14. Application for a Microbrewery
- There had been a meeting with the applicants to licence a microbrewery under the viaduct: there was agreement that if the enterprise was abandoned any licence would terminate and would not transfer with the building. There was a general feeling that the site was not suitable for a viable licensed establishment.
- 15. Date of next meeting
- The next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd November 2015.