Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting 3rd September 2019
- 1. Attendance
- Present: Cllr Roger Cornwell (in the Chair), Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Margaret Jefferson, Drew Lowrie, Brendan McKeon, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Simon Squires, Ann Stokes
Louise Fowler (Unite Students), Richard Freeman (John Snow College)
Louise Dennison (Lumière)
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr John Ashby, Cllr Carol Reeves
Cllr Liz Brown
- 2. Apologies for absence
- were received from: David Ramsden, Sarah Wilkinson
Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland
Cllr Elizabeth Scott
- 3. Keys of Light
- Cllr Roger Cornwell introduced Louise Dennison from Artichoke (the organisers of Lumière), who spoke about Keys of Light, the installation planned for Rushford Court. This has previously been shown in Ghent and Amsterdam. Light will be projected onto the walls of the new building, controlled by the playing of a piano, and piano players are invited to volunteer. The old building of the County Hospital will be lit for visibility only. A schedule of access required for installation and removal will be circulated to residents ahead of time. During Lumière there will be access within the gates of Rushford Court, which is outside the City Centre ticketed area.
There will be other installations in the North Road, but nothing in Wharton Park, and nothing at Redhills: Artichoke had been very happy with the previous installation there, but visitors had been reluctant to walk so far.
- 4. Minutes
- The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record, and Roger thanked Simon Priestley and Ann Evans for their contribution.
- 5. Move of John Snow College into Rushford Court: Recent updates
- Louise Fowler corrected what she had told the previous meeting: initial arrivals would move in on September 21st, but main arrivals would be on 28th. A draft map and instructions for arrivals were circulated, and some improvements suggested. It was recommended that marshalls be stationed at the exit, to ensure that cars heading up to the parking provided at County Hall use the North Road, rather than Back Western Hill.
Cllr Esther Ashby urged residents' associations to point out to other PBSAs how useful all parties were finding Louise's presence at CCP meetings.
Louise repeated that any queries should be addressed directly to her at Rushford Court, since this is the last meeting before the students arrive.
- 6. PACT meeting / policing issues
- Ann Evans, who has been attending PACT meetings on our behalf, is no longer able to attend meetings for Durham City, but will attend the Neville's Cross meetings at Ustinov College.
- 7. Proposed New County HQ on the Sands
- The Parish Council had been advised that the closure of the Car and Coach parks at Freeman's Place and the ensuing works were illegal, as the procedures for work on Common Land had not been followed. Members discussed what action they would wish the Parish Council to take.
- 8. Planning Applications
- a) DM/19/02504/FPA Tower Cottage This application for the demolition of existing dwelling, and construction of three detached new dwellings with associated access, parking and landscaping, is a revised version of the previous one. One major difference is that the three new town houses would now be accessed from May Street. Drew Lowrie commented that he thought it an improvement on the previous application, but would still be objecting in very similar terms. He was asked to circulate information to the mailing list, to aid others who might wish to express views.
The City of Durham Trust had objected, partly on the grounds of the historic interest of the existing building, partly because the proposal would amount to overdevelopment. The Parish Council would also oppose.
- b) DM/18/02118/FPA Holly Street This application had been dormant but would now go to the Planning Committee next Tuesday. Cllr Liz Brown expressed her disappointment that no plan had emerged to use this site to build sheltered accommodation for 0ver-55s.
- c) DM/19/01418/FPA 24 Nevilledale Terrace The Planning Officer had turned down this application for enlargement / extension.
However, Ann Stokes pointed out that no. 20 was now on the market via Robinson's who seemed to be suggesting it could be converted to student housing, which is not the case.
- 9. Letting Boards: Regulation 7 Direction
- Roger Cornwell had written to DCC solicitor Neil Carter, who had replied agreeing that a decision on this had been long delayed. The relevant Planning Inspector was, however, currently on holiday. Roger would ask Roberta Blackman Woods MP to pursue it. Meanwhile, Liz would find out from DCC Enforcement Officer Pam Glaister whether the Council had a contingency plan for the coming year.
- 10. Unauthorised sign at Revolution Bar
- Roger had asked Planning Enforcement for an update, but had not yet received a reply.
- 11. Closure of footpath (Milburngate Bridge)
- Ann Evans complained that pavement closures required to facilitate building work at Milburngate had been implemented in a way which displayed a pattern of contempt for pedestrians. For example, the sign at the foot of the steps from the station announces that the road is closed, but did not initially offer any alternative (this was subsequently added). There is no advance warning at the exit from Millennium Place that the pavement will be closed further along the bridge: Liz had observed pedestrians finding themselves in a dead end jumping the fence into the road, and anticipated casualties. Roger had already spoken to the Parish Clerk about this problem, and better signage was now promised.
There was a request that the Parish Council initiate a broader discussion about signage, and about traffic light settings.
- 12. DURF matters from last meeting
- a) Leaflet: Welcome to Living Out in Durham Simon Priestley had no further news of progress on this, but would contact the University's Community Liaison Officer, Hannah Shepherd.
- b) Responsibility for dealing with evening disturbance: Cllr John Ashby had drafted a letter to be sent by the Forum to Police Commissioner Ron Hogg, but there was no indication that it had been sent. He, too, would contact Hannah.
- 13. Report from County Councillor
- Liz reported that she and Cllr Elizabeth Scott have been successful in obtaining a 20 mph zone in the vicinity of St Margaret's school, and will be turning their attention to the speed limits along the line of the A167.
- 14. Reports from Parish Councillors
- a) Liz reported that the Parish Council has organised a training session on licensing, from 6.00 pm on 30th September in Durham Town Hall, which is open to all. Details are on the Parish Council website.
- b) Esther circulated the Parish Council's new logo, and invited feedback.
- c) John reported that the Parish Council was organising a conference on anti-social behaviour, now scheduled for the second week in November [subsequntly fixed as 31st October].
The Council's Planning Committee has been hard at work, and is considering the University's plans for its new Business School.
- d) Cllr Carol Reeves reported that she and Esther will be holding a drop-in surgery session at St John's Church Hall.
- e) Roger had received notice of forthcoming road closures to permit filming.
- 15. Date of next meeting
- Our next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd October.