Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 8th September 2022

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, John Knowles, Brendan McKeon, Jean Rogers, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Esther Ashby,
Chris Hindmarsh (Durham University).
Roger Cornwell welcomed Chris Hindmarch, Project Manager in the Vice Chancellor's office.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Joan Adams. Gillian Banks, Michael Costello, Morag E. Crichton, Margaret Jefferson, Vicky Mattless, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed, Ann Stokes,
Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.
Cllr Liz Brown, Cllr Richard Ormerod
3. The minutes of the August meeting:
were approved as a correct record.
4. Update from Rushford Court, including development plans
An e-mail had previously been circulated outlining proposals to enhance student facilities to a standard where Rushford Court could be incorporated as a college of the University. Chris Hindmarch elaborated on this: the plan was to build a two-story block sunk into the bank below the old hospital building to house corporate space for a JCR / SCR etc. This would have no additional height above ground, and all the windows would be on the side facing the existing accommodation block. The communal space would accommodate some social events, but would not be large enough to hold all the residents - and there would be no additional students (no more study bedrooms were planned). This was a joint proposal from the University and Unite Students, and the final management structure had not yet been determined.
A consultation would be held on-site the following Tuesday, with the intention of submitting a planning application by the end of the month.
Hild/Bede College would move into Rushford Court in 2023 until their new building is ready.
The meeting agreed that the CCP should not reach a position on the proposals before seeing the consultation material, but since the intention was to submit the planning application before our next meeting, members were urged to attend the consultation event and to share their views by e-mail. Roger also asked for the material to be made available online, and this has now been done.
5. Collapsed wall at 1 Crossgate Peth
A message has been received from Cllr Liz Brown, to the effect that work would start later in the month.
6. Livers Out leaflets and deliverers
We believe Simon Priestley has this in hand.
7. New Refuse and Recycling Bins
A number of members living in the "Viaduct Area" (between the Avenue and the railway embankment, including one side of the Avenue) had received leaflets informing them of new arrangements for recycling and rubbish collection: household bins were withdrawn and waste would instead be collected from communal bins in back lanes. The declared aim was to improve the look of the area, which is welcomed, and the scheme will be monitored for two months, to see whether it should be implemented on a permanent basis. Roger suggested that we should invite a speaker from the County Council, to explain the scheme, where it applies (with a map) and how it will be evaluated.
8. Bus Station and North Road
Ann Evans felt that there had been some improvements, but the pavements needed constant maintenance. In addition, there was no provision for level access to buses. The CCP asked Ann to draft a letter to this effect, which Roger could send to the Council on our behalf.
9. 24 Nevilledale
The landlord has been refused permission to convert this property to an HMO, but is currently lodging four overseas nurses there, with another two expected to move in. The NHS had apparently made this placement without realising that the use of the house as an HMO was not legal. The refusal of planning consent has now been appealed. The City of Durham Trust has objected, and Sarah Wilkinson, a near neighbour with local knowledge, will submit a personal objection. Sarah will also pursue enforcement with the Council team, who are familiar with the property. Simon Priestley would be asked to put his name to an objection on behalf of the CCP.
10. Provision of public toilets
Ann Evans pointed out that the closure of the bus station the inly public toilets on this side of town were those at the Riverwalk. The disabled toilet there, in particular, was very badly maintained, perhaps because it is heavily used by able-bodied people who were nonetheless deterred by the stairs down to the general facilities. She asked who was responsible for maintenance.
Cllr Esther Ashby responded that she would raise this at the Business Committee, which had previously discussed the provision of public toilets (and not found the Riverwalk management very helpful). She had also recently learned that there is government funding available to improve facilities, and would liaise with Ann about future action.
11. Parking permits for HMOs
According to Cllr Liz Brown (by e-mail), the Parking Shop claims that it knows which properties qualify for residents' parking permits, and only issues accordingly. Anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. Roger suggested that if it was discovered that permits had been issued to which people were not entitled, these should not be renewed.
12. Report from Parish Councillor
Esther reported that the rearrangement of committees was not having the desired effect of improving attendance, and there were likely to be further changes. There had been little activity in the past month, as the Parish Clerk was absent on study leave.
Outwith her remit as a Parish Councillor, she continued to develop a project for Peskies Park for the AAP. This has reached the stage where she needs to demonstrate local support, by consulting the CCP and gaining formal approval for the plan. THe meeting was generally sympathetic, but asked members who were willing to be involved with the project to talk to Esther directly.
13. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would take place on Tuesday 4th October 2022.