Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 12th January 2023

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Vicky Mattless, Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, Malcolm Reed, Jean Rogers, Ann Stokes, Joe Witherspoon.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Joan Adams, Gillian Banks, Morag E. Crichton, David Ramsden, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.

Annual General Meeting

3. The Chair presented the Annual Report
which had been circulated in advance of the meeting. It was pointed out that the list of parking issues reported was by no means exhaustive, and that areas like Back Nevilledale also merited a mention. On this understanding, the report was approved.
4. The Financial Statement
was approved.
5. Election of Trustees
Nominations had been received for Roger Cornwell, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Simon Priestley and Sarah Wilkinson
The appointment of these trustees was proposed by Robert Banks, seconded by Malcolm Reed and approved nem.con.
6. National Organisation of Residents' Associations (NORA)
Our long-standing representative with NORA has been Mike Costello, who is no longer active in the CCP. It was agreed that we should renew our membership of NORA, that Chris Hugill should be our representative, and that Roger Cornwell should inform NORA of this.

Ordinary Meeting

7. The minutes of the December meeting
were approved as a correct record.
8. Serviced apartments at The Funky Monk, 1 Victoria Terrace
Durham County Council has opened an enforcement case against these premises, on the grounds that the use to which they are put is outwith the terms of their planning consent. This is not a case of an over-enthusiastic amateur misunderstanding the legal position: the owner is John Adamson, of Ramside Estates. It was suggested that the building itself was of historic interest, being the home of William Coulson, the mastersinker of collieries.
9. STACK: update on licensing hearing and planning application
The licensing application goes to committee in one week's time: Roger and Chris will be speaking against it, and John Ashby may also speak.
A planning application has now also been submitted. The closing fate for comments is 2nd February. The Partnership wished to oppose this, on similar grounds to those already expressed by the City of Durham Trust; Simon Priestley would draw up an objection on this basis, but welcomed suggestions from others.
10. 1 Crossgate Peth.
Chris reminded the meeting that it was over a year since Storm Arwen brought down the retaining wall at this property: it has still not been repaired, is unsightly and looks dangerous. According to Cllr Liz Brown, the landlady had now received payment from her insurer, and is applying to erect a hording to allow work to be carried out. Coincidentally, Ann Evans had received a letter from Northumbria Water, who intend to dig up the adjacent road to work on the sewers.
11. Parking on Crossgate.
Cathie Draycott's paper, discussed at the previous meeting, had been forwarded to Cllr Richard Ormerod as worthy of consideration: we await his response.
12. Reports from County Councillors
A written report from Cllrs Richard Ormerod and David Freeman had previously been circulated and was noted.
13. Reports from Parish Councillors
Written reports had been received from Cllrs Victoria Ashfield and Carole Lattin: the meeting would like to ask Victoria whether a blister pack collection point was still planned for the library, or whether the collection point in Boots replaces this.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday February 7th 2023.