Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 1st August 2023

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Lesley Aers, Max Arnold, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, John Knowles, Sheila Knowles, Ann Lockhart. Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, David Ramsden, Jean Rogers, Alan Shearer, Ann Stokes, Judi Webb, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon.
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Carole Lattin.
Cllr Liz Brown.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Joan Adams, Emma Backhouse, Morag E. Crichton, Chris Hugill, Margaret Jefferson, Paul Jefferson, Vicky Mattless, Malcolm Reed,
Cllr Grenville Holland.
3. The minutes of the July meeting
were approved as a correct record.
4. Trees overhanging The Bowers
Residents of The Bowers explained that the development(on the old Bus Garage site) is surrounded on three sides by Flass Vale, which is a mature reserve. Their gardens contain trees which are, historically, a continuation of the woodland of the Vale: The Bowers lies within the Flass Vale conservation area, so residents are not permitted to perform maintenance on any of trees, but nor will the Council take on responsibility for maintenance. This is, according to professional advice, harmful to the trees, and a threat to property and, potentially, lives too.
In addition, contractors have been pruning and crowning trees in Flass Vale, but have left the remains of their work in various locations, having failed to remove any felled portions of trees.
Joe Witherspoon, who lives in the Bowers, wanted to raise issues regarding the safety of trees in Flass Vale in general and properties in The Bowers in particular. In June a tree failed, and landed in his garden. It was only good fortune that no one was in the garden at the time. He has since received permission from the Council to have it removed. This was particularly annoying as he applied to have it removed over two years earlier, after a similar tree failed in a neighbour's garden and landed resting against his house. At that time he was refused permission, without explanation or further advice.
Simon Chivers (DCC Senior Tree & Contracts Officer) had visited the gardens concerned, but told residents that he would not approve any application to the Council for action. Cllr Liz Brown had now escalated this within the Council.
5. Closure of ticket office at Durham Station
As agreed at last month's meeting, Roger had written on our behalf opposing the closure of the ticket office. Clearly there had been substantial opposition, and the period of consultation had now been extended. Since writing that letter, Roger had seen reports of various Freedom of Information requests, which did not match the figures which had been given as justifying the closure of the Durham office.
An objection had been published from Mary Foy MP, and Roger had contacted her and invited her to attend a future meeting.
Cllr Carole Lattin had a petition, which she was invited to circulate. Meanwhile the Parish Council was seeking a meeting with the relevant minister, who was not responding.
6. 4 Nevilledale Terrace and 1 Beechcrest - unauthorised works
Roger had written to Hannah Shepherd (the University's Community Liaison Officer), warning her that the property was being advertised on a basis for which planning consent had not been given, and she had thanked him for this information. Liz thought that the rent was too high to be of interest to students. She confirmed that the case was still in the hands of Planning Enforcement.
The 'Funky Monk' is similarly subject to enforcement proceedings.
Meanwhile, 4 Nevilledale is now on the market; a planning application is currently being validated.
7. 24 Nevilledale Terrace - update
Builders working on other properties were currently residing at this property.
8. Appointment of Secretary
Roger explained that the Partnership has been without a Secretary since Ruth Chambers resigned, for personal reasons, in 2015. Simon Priestley has been writing letters and attending meetings on our behalf, and Roger proposed that we formalise his position by appointing him as Secretary. Since Simon is willing to do this, and the meeting welcomed it, Roger would pursue any formal steps necessary to place a motion to this effect before the September meeting.
9. Reports from County Councillors
a) Roger had received a written report from Cllr Richard Ormerod and David Freeman too late for it to be circulated ahead of the meeting: He took the meeting through it, point by point. Cllr Alan Doig noted the reference to the closure of Hallgarth Care Home: he would ensure that this was on the agenda of the Parish Council's umbrella group of residents' associations. The application to convert the building to student accommodation had been called to Committee by the Parish Council, so there should be time to consider this before any decision.
The remarks about the Green Move Out were noted, in the context of the discussion at the previous meeting of the CCP.
b) Liz Brown had now attended her first meeting as Deputy Mayor.
She had been receiving complaints about noise from Farnley Tower: she was looking into the terms of their licence with regard to where they are allowed to play music and serve alcohol. Meanwhile, people are urged to report noise nuisance to Environmental Health.
CCTV had caught flytippers from Shields dumping rubbish in the big bins.
10. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) Cllr Esther Ashby praised the new Community Centre at Merryoaks: there is a lot going on there, and she urged everyone to visit.
The Parish has appointed an Armed Services Champion.
Esther is the Parish representative on the Co. Durham Association of Larger Councils, which had heard a very alarming presentation about the County's finances. They were trying to raise the issue of revenue lost through the student exemption at a national level.
b) Carole had circulated a written report, which was noted. She clarified the item about Durham BID's withdrawal from Lumiere: BID does not have the final word, but feels that it does not benefit local businesses, and will ask DCC to put the money to an ongoing programme of monthly events instead.
c) Alan was pleased with the effectiveness of 'Operation Lentil' at dealing with student disturbances: Inspector Dave Clarke had managed to pull together a team of officers who work permanently on this.
The Parish anticipates a shortfall of £9000 in its budget, which corresponds to the revenue lost because student properties are exempt from Council Tax.
The University is genuinely short of money, having spent the money raised and now being faced, like everyone, with higher than anticipated interest rates.
The Parish was currently mapping all licensed premises across the Parish, and would like to do the same with Planning; Roger is already well on the way to the latter.
d) Liz added that the County Durham Plan was coming up for review: she would be looking to change Policy 6, and to address the division of houses into one and two bedroom flats, thus avoiding the controls on HMOs.
Plans for improvements to the historic Flass Well were welcomed by the meeting.
11. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 7th September 2023.