Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the meeting, 5th December 2023.
- 1. Attendance
- Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Joan Adams, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Alastair Edge, Martin Hiles, Chris Hugill, John Knowles, Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed, Jean Rogers, Ann Stokes, Rachel Toes, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon,
Cllr Carole Lattin.
- Roger Cornwell welcomed all those attending, and passed on to the meeting the late apologies for absence of Cllr Eather Ashby, whose dog had died.
- 2. Apologies for absence
- were received from: Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Morag E. Crichton, Ann Evans, Margaret Jefferson, Vicky Mattless, Judi Webb,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland.
- 3. The minutes of the November meeting
- were approved as a correct record,
with the caveat that although the minutes accurately recorded the contents of Cllr Richard Ormerod's report, the Bus Station had not, in fact, reopened.
- 4. Durham City Waste Working Group
- As per his e-mail, preciously circulated to members, Kieran O'Leary (Waste Strategy & Policy Officer at DCC) proposes to create a waste working group around learnings and education in Durham City. Martin Hiles and Cllr Carole Lattin volunteered to represent the CCP at the initial meeting of this group. On the basis of their report back, we can decide whether we wish to be further involved.
- 5. Neighbourhood wardens’ report
- Roger had received a report from the Neighbourhood Wardens’ team at the very last minute: he would circulate it to the mailing list, but in the meantime highlighted an item about a litter pick in the Avenue / May Street area: a large amount of litter had been collected from back lanes after the bins had bee emptied. There was also a reference to Durham University's student wardens, and it was suggested that they could be invited to future CCP meetings.
- 6. Snow and ice: making roads and pavements safe
- Chris Hugill introduced this topic: icy streets and back lanes are a problem in a city as hilly as Durham. The County Council's priority (as detailed in the report of Cllr. Liz Brown) is to clear all of the county's A roads and the majority of the B roads, most bus routes and other busy areas. Only in times of prolonged severe weather and as resources become available will they also treat some minor and C roads. The Council does provide salt bins to enable residents to clear other roads, but these, though very effective, were currently after a spell of icy weather mostly empty.
Simon Priestley asked whether the Avenue, which is now widely used as a rat run, could be given a higher priority.
There was discussion about the legal implications of clearing pavements: Roger would circulate a link to information about this.
- 7. Community Emergency Plan
- It was noted that this followed usefully from the previous item: a plan might be invoked to help those cut off by icy weather! Carole reported satisfaction with the strides being made towards the formulation of a plan, and thanked Simon and Martin for their contribution. She also has dates to talk to residents in Sidegate and Neville's Cross. She has also met with the University Resilience Officer. The University has extensive plans for the colleges and PBSAs, but little to offer the livers out who may not be able to reach their designated hub. For this reason, they are keen to collaborate with community initiatives. Simon commented that he had found it particularly useful to meet with the University and learn what they are doing and what support they can offer.
- 8. Report from County Councillor
- The written report from Liz Brown, previously circulated, included a comment that SCC's Planning Enforcement team was under strength, and this is a problem. Roger was asked to write on our behalf to the Head of Planning, with a copy to Liz, saying how much we value the work of the enforcement officers.
- 9. Report from Parish Councillor
- Carole talked the meeting through her written report: she commended the entries for the Christmas Frontage award, which would be judged the following Thursday; she also commended the Green Business Award, which despite the small number of entries had brought in valuable information about what it is possible for businesses to do.
- 10. Date of next meeting
- The next meeting, on Thursday 11th January 2024, will be our AGM. Members are invited to nominate trustees for the coming year.