Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 2nd May 2024

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Joan Adams, Max Arnold, Emma Backhouse, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Martin Hiles, Chris Hugill, Margaret Jefferson, Vicky Mattless, Brendan McKeown, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden, Jean Rogers, Alan Shearer, Joe Witherspoon,,
Cllr Liz Brown
Cllr Esther Ashby.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Lesley Aers, Morag Crichton, Malcolm Reed, Ann Stokes, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.
3. The minutes of the March meeting
were approved as a correct record.
4. Consultations
a) Review of the County Council Licensing Policy (closes 3rd May): Cllr Liz Brown declared an interest, and did not participate in the discussion. Chris Hugill introduced the draft response he had prepared as a response to the Council's policy document, which he described as long, and not simple. On this basis:
  • the meeting agreed to support the Parish Council in calling on DCC to adopt a Cumulative Impact policy;
  • the meeting agreed to support the Parish Council in calling for Late-Night levy to fund additional policing of the night-time economy;
  • the meeting agreed to support retention of the existing policy and framework hours;
  • it was suggested that we should argue for Public Health as a licensing objective;
  • Chris pointed to the unsatisfactory determination of safety issues arising from the approval of the STACK development on Silver Street: planning and licensing committees had each left it to the other the determine the suitability of Moatside Lane as an emergency escape route. The meeting agreed that this needed to be resolved.
  • A substantial proportion of the CCP's work on licensing arises from the use of TENS licenses. Although these do not fall within the remit of the current consultation, the meeting felt that some comment was in order. Setting aside the exceptional case of the Platinum Jubilee, there were regular complaints about such routine uses of TENS licences as events involving music in the garden of Holi & Bhang. The Parish Council had suggested that more information should be given out in advance, and this would certainly help.
b) Public Spaces Protection Order (opens 7th May, for six weeks): Roger Cornwell had already written to DCC saying that one way to discourage public urination was to provide public conveniences, which the city currently lacks.
The public consultation opens after the Bank Holiday, and will be purely online. Ann Evans objected to this: she is not alone in finding online consultations difficult and unsatisfactory. Roger would circulate information with technical advice about how to respond; he would also agenda the issue again for our June meeting.
Cllr Esther Ashby recommended the AAP as a structure which, whatever its limitations, provided a means of giving feedback to the Council.
5. 50 The Avenue: proposal to use uPVC for the front bay window
The applicant had appealed the refusal of planning consent for this change. We maintain our objection; Simon Priestley, who wrote our original objection, would write to say so.
6. Possible donation to Children's Cancer North in support of Unite Students fundraising.
Roger had consulted Sarah Wilkinson, our Treasurer: we currently have £500 in the bank, and make no payment to United Students for our meeting room. It was agreed that a donation from us would contribute to the relationship between the local community and Unite Students and was therefore within our objectives, and that we should make a donation of £50.
7. Unsafe trees adjacent to The Bowers
The maintenance of trees in the gardens of The Bowers, raised at our meeting in August 2023, continues to be unsatisfactory. Since the trees are protected, DCC must consent to any work done on them, which it refuses to do. Residents value the trees, but are concerned at the risk if they are not maintained. Joe Witherspoon circulated a photograph of a beech tree which had recently failed catastrophically, dropping a limb across the garden of one of his neighbours: it had caused damage, and only avoided causing injury because the resident was away on holiday at the time. A planning application has now been submitted to reduce the heights of the trees: Liz will support this as ward councillor, and the CCP also expressed its support.
8. Durham City Waste Working Group
Martin Hiles, our designated representative, had again been unable to attend the meeting on April 16th, but Esther, who had attended in her own right, was able to report that the meeting was mostly concerned with the Green Move Out, which would be more advertised this year. She felt that involvement with the group was worthwhile.
9. Noise from the Angel Inn
Margaret Jefferson reported that since last summer's disturbances, the Angel had been beautifully quiet for months. However, on one night recently there had been loud music in the garden. Fortunately, this had stopped at 10.20 pm. But our meeting in July 2023 had been informed that the pub was not licensed for music outdoors: Liz explained that this was the case, but that no license was required for music, even outdoors, before 11.00 pm.
10.Crossgate Conservation Area Character Appraisal
Roger had previously circulated a link to the DCC document which is available on our website. Both the Parish Council and the City of Durham Trust are considering this, and anyone interested in being involved should contact Roger.
10.5 Quilts
Gillian Banks had brought with her a number of quilts which had previously been on display in the Shakespeare Hall, but which were now in need of an alternative home. Members had a number of suggestions. Liz agreed to contact Cllr Elizabeth Scott about whether The Story would be appropriate / interested.
11. Neighbourhood Wardens' report
The Wardens' written report, previously circulated, was noted.
12. Report from County Councillor
Liz's Mayor Making would be celebrated on Wednesday 5th June, at lunchtime in the Market Place. All are welcome, and are warned to bring coin to contribute to bring cash to contribute to the collection for the Mayoral charity.
There was an application to carry out demolition at St Leonard's School, which includes felling a number of trees; she had intervened to stop the contractor damaging trees unnecessarily.
In response to questions asked by Ann Evans, she had been able to ascertain:
  • Work on reinstating the North Road will start next month;
  • the DLI is due to reopen next summer;
  • the resurfacing of all pathways is on hold, because the government is funding the rollout of broadband, which will involve, much digging up of footpaths;
  • and the parking meters which have been removed are the ones which have been identified as underused.
13. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) Cllrs Toria Ashfield and Carole Lattin had circulated written reports, and were thanked for these.
b) Cllr Esther Ashby had attended a "brilliant" meeting of the Business Committee and businesses in Back Silver Street. The City Theatre had received quotes for renovations, and must now make a choice.
A new project is forthcoming to promote retail engagement.
Complaints about YuMe (gaming arcade in the Riverwalk) were being received and acted on.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be on Tuesday 4th June 2024.