Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 7th November 2024

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair), Lesley Aers, Max Arnold, Emma Backhouse, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Martin Hiles, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Nick Toes, Rachel Toes, Joe Witherspoon,
Cllr Carole Lattin.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Joan Adams, Gillian Banks, Morag Crichton, Chris Hugill, Brendan McHeown, Vicky Mattless, Malcolm Reed, Ann Stokes, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Eather Ashby, Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the October meeting were approved as a correct record.
4 Proposed virtual parking permit system
Roger Cornwell had attended the consultation session, as had Ann Evans. Ann had been given a written document which days that residents can continue to use the existing scratch cards, but not that more will be forthcoming when these are used up: however, the consultation had been assured that this was the case. The document also states that "proof of residency" will be required to order additional cards, but ut is possible that this is already the case. Again, it was suggested that if this is not challenged, a more draconian enforcement regime may be introduced.
It was noted that temporary residents (i.e. those with fixed term tenancy agreements) will not be issued with additional cards within four weeks of the end of their tenancy.
It was agreed that Ann should draft a letter asking for further clarification and assurances, to be sent by the Secretary.
5. Livers Out Leaflets: update
Simon Priestley thanked all those who had helped deliver the Livers Out leaflet, which had arrived later than in previous years.
6. Crossgate Community Emergency Plan
Simon Priestley had circulated a draft CCP Community Emergency Plan ahead of the meeting. He explained that this was intended to sit within the Parish Plan, which in turn sits within the County Plan: many apparent gaps in the draft as circulated are in fact omitted as belonging to the larger plan. The task of the working group is to boil down a massive master plan in order to focus on Crossgate. One question they were considering was: do we need a telephone tree to notify people in case of emergency, or is there a better alternative?
Martin Hiles added that although our area is bisected by the railway line, the group had been told that it was not their task to plan for emergencies arising from the railway. Similarly, although the population of Crossgate consists of students and permanent residents intermingled, and we need to be able to communicate, the University was making its own plans. He raised the question of Crossgate's need for "places of safety" at a local level. These needed to be staffed around the clock so that they were available at any time. In a major emergency, premises could be opened and staffed by the Civil Contingencies Unit, but for more local use, we relied heavily o churches: the working group had so far designated St Cuthbert's and the North Road Methodist chapel, but both of these were very much in the north of the area.
Cllr Carole Lattin thanked Simon, Martin and Alexis Cleveland for all their work. She said that the essence of this approach was "Community knows best."
7. Report from County Councillor
No reports had been received.
8. Reports from Parish Councillors
Roger apologised that the written report from Carole (appended to the Agenda) had not been circulated before the meeting. Points discussed were:
  • As a result of representations from the Parish Council and residents' groups, DCC had agreed not to reduce the opening hours of the Customer Access point in Clayport Library: this would now continue to open five days a week until March 2026.
  • The Parish Council was congratulated for its hard work on the appearance of STACK in Silver Street. Members asked whether anything could be done to prevent businesses being vacated so far in advance of work commencing, and then standing empty. Carol would ask the Parish Clerk whether this was possible.
9. Dates of meetings fir 2025
The following dates were suggested:
  • Thursdays: 9 January, 6 March, 1 May, 3 July, 4 September, 6 November
  • Tuesdays: 4 February, 1 April, 3 June, 5 August, 7 October, 2 December
Roger confirmed that these dates did not coincide with any public holidays, and on this basis they were agreed by the meeting.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.