Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 4th February 2025

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair), Joan Adams, Lesley Aers, Max Arnold, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Margaret Jefferson, John Knowles, Sheila Knowles Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden, Jean Rogers, Ann Stokes, Rachel Toes, Joe Witherspoon,
Dinah Patt (Hild / Bede Liaison Officer),
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Carole Lattin
Cllr Liz Brown.
Roger Cornwell welcomed all those present: he congratulated Ann Evans on her return, with new knees, and Cllr Liz Brown on her success at catching the lettuce (at Chinese New Year).
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Emma Backhouse, Morag Crichton, Martin Hiles, Vicky Mattless, Brendan McKeon, Malcolm Reed, Judi Webb, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Grenville Holland.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the AGM in January were approved as a correct record.
4. Hild / Bede College update
Roger welcomed Dinah Patt, newly appointed Hild / Bede Liaison Officer, who is still in the process of figuring out what her job will entail. The new building (including the college bar) is now open, and the college is discussing whether it can help address the absence of "third spaces" locally. They are also in discussion with Durham Johnston school about using their sports spaces, and about offering student mentoring. The early stages of a Shakespeare project had made them aware of the absence of theatre spaces locally. Above all, the college wants to be a positive and welcoming force in the community. There was some discussion about ways they could do this, including the regular river banks litter pick: Dinah is very positive about the scope for volunteering.
5 Virtual Parking Permits
Ann Evans introduced the discussion: an undertaking had been given at the "consultation" sessions that scratchcards would continue to be valid and available; however in December. when she attempted to order cards by phone as she had previously done, she was told that telephone applications were no longer accepted. She had eventually secured a form to fill in, which allowed her to claim two books per month, which is not enough. Liz has asked for an explanation of the unannounced changes in procedure; she thinks that staff have not been trained, and are making things up as they go along. Cllr Toria Ashfield had similarly been told that telephone requests could not be accepted, and that applicants must use the e-mail form, but no alternative was suggested when she claimed not to have e-mail. Simon Priestley pointed out that the online system, which we are encouraged to use, doesn't work either. Roger had submitted a Freedom of Information request asking what assessment had been carried out under the Equality Act: two and a half weeks later he had not yet received a reply, and while this was not yet out of time he suspected that if an assessment had been carried out it would have been sent by now.
Suggested action: Roger suggested that we seek a meeting with the officer(s) responsible for making decisions about the running of the scheme, and Liz agreed to try to organise a meeting at which he and Ann would represent the CCP. At that meeting requirements would include the return of the former channels for applying for permits (telephone / in person) and the removal of the need for repeated production of Council Tax bills.
E-mols from the parking team boasted of an award for Best Back Office system; Roger would investigate this.
Cllr Carole Lattin pointed out that the same discussion was taking place in all the residents' groups across the City. She and Toria would brief SNCF about the CCP's dissuasion; Cllr Esther Ashby asked whether the Parish Council's Residents' Forum was still functioning, since this might also be an appropriate channel through which to campaign. It was also agreed that if a meeting with council officers did not achieve results, we should seek publicity.
6. Stickers advertising cannabis products
Robert Banks showed a sticker which had been posted through his door, bearing the slogan "I can't believe it's online." He had googled this, and found stories on the national press going back a year. Roger had previously found a similar sticker in the street, and taken it to the police, who had responded that they were aware, but not greatly concerned. Cllr Alan Doig would take it up with Inspector Dave Clarke, and let us know the outcome.
7. Late Night Fireworks
Loud fireworks were heard across the city at 2.30 am on Sunday 19th January; they were set off on the lawn in front of Red Hill Villas, which are large student HMOs adjoining the Miners' Hall at Redhills. The noise was heard over a wide area: Roger had seen reports on social media from Bearpark, Pity Me and Brandon. Since then residents had found the debris and seen the scorch marks on the lawn. There are photographs and a video. These had been passed to the Parish Clerk, who was pursuing the matter with the police (who also received a number of calls at the time), the University authorities, and the relevant landlords.
We had since heard from the Parish Clerk that one male student had taken full responsibility, and stated that he thought it would be a good idea after a few drinks to let off the remaining fireworks they had from Bonfire Night. It would be dealt with appropriately between the Parish / DCC and the University.
Toria added that even louder noises were subsequently heard ahead of the Chinese New Year.
Cariole felt that the police were able to intervene after the event, but not to prevent this sort of disturbance occurring in the first place. We would do better to ask the University to urge students to keep noise down, and within limited hours. Dinah supported this approach: students are probably not aware of restricted hours / dates when fireworks are permitted. Also, late night disturbance is disruptive for students, too.
Roger would shortly be participating in a Working Group to revise the university's Code of Conduct, and would raise this issue.
8.Neighbourhood Wardens' Report
No report had been received in advance of the meeting. However, Roger was aware of two people being fined for leaving boxes as side waste.
9. Report from County Councillors
Liz reported that the ANPR camera for which she has long been campaigning has now been installed at the Neville's Cross traffic lights.
DCC's Clean & Green team will now clear the fallen trees on Crossgate Peth; she would advise the tree officer to be cautious, as ivy is making the trees top heavy.
10. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) Alan reported that the budget for the coming year has now been posted to the Parish Council's website. The Parish has agreed to continue funding additional neighbourhood wardens and Police presence.
The Parish was attempting to regulate AirBnBs, and was looking at a report on the subject.
He was seeking to return the function of Mayor of Durham to the Parish, but had been voted down by a block vote of LibDem councillors. He would now propose that the Parish convert itself to a Town Council, which would then have the right to appoint its own mayor.
b) Carole had already circulated a written report. She also gave an update on the progress of the Emergency Plan.
c) Esther continues her attempts to persuade the Business Committee to meet every month. She sees no prospect of the City's economy improving after the May elections, but urges everyone to spend what they can in the City. Meanwhile, the news about the University's finances is depressing..
d) Toria encouraged anyone interested to consider standing for the Parish Council: there would be an event for anyone interested to find out more.
Endorsing the plea to spend money in the City, she recommended the Market, and regretted that so few students were aware of its existence.
Signage for the 20 mph limit on Church Street would apparently cost £28,000, and the money would be taken from the funding previously alloeated for green-roofed bus shelters. People who shared her view that ths was a bad bargain should write to Stephen Reed on and tell him so.
11 Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 6th March 2025.