Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the General Meeting 3rd June 2013
- 1. Attendance:
- Present: Roger Cornwell, PCSO Steven Bell, Jean Rogers, Jean Meredith, Liz Brown, Jackie Levitas, Lesley Aers, Mike Costello, Angus Rae, Ann Evans, Councillor Nigel Martin, Frankie Etherington, Ruth Chambers, Carole Reeves, Dick Fong and Odile Fong.
- 2. Apologies for absence:
- were received from David Ramsden, Simon Squires, Jonathan Elmer and Annie Brown.
- 3. PACT (Police And Communities Together) session
- a) A written report covering both beats in the Crossgate area was circulated, and PCSO Steven Bell introduced it, with particular reference to the Problem Oriented Policing plans and initiatives: the Durham City Beat Team is working actively to suppress graffiti, and pictures were circulated illustrating the problem.
- b) The statistics showed a large number of bicycle thefts, and Angus Rae complained of repeated bicycle thefts. He asked whether CCTV could be installed, but was told this was up to his landlord. Nigel Martin offered to follow up. Meanwhile, the police Crime Team are working specifically on bicycle theft.
- c) Priorities: problems arising from the new development in Redhills Lane - as anticipated, this has settled down to some extent as the building work has progressed, but there are still issues about traffic and parking in the vicinity. Nigel is working with the Highways Department on these, and various initiatives are going forward. Debbie Saddler-Watson is aware of the problems, and is continuing to monitor.
- d) Antisocial behaviour: Ruth Chambers raised the possibility that once the play area in Allergate is reinstated, it will again become a focus for antisocial behaviour. It was suggested that residents in the area should be leafleted, pointing out that this is a designated area (so that people drinking outside can be required by the police to stop) and that they can contact the police by phoning 101 if there are problems. Steven will refer this to Neighbourhood Watch Officer Tim Thompson; Mike Costello has already asked Tim Thompson to replace the 'designated area' sign.
Frankie Etherington commented that noise levels in Allergate are already high, as people return home from the pubs.
- e) Jackie Levitas complained of nuisance caused by the passage large lorries from the redevelopment of the Fred Henderson site; Steven will find out whether any laws are being broken.
- f) Ongoing priorities: thefts from outbuildings and back alleys continue as a priority, but bicycle theft was emphasised as an aspect of this. Steven Bell pointed out that part of the police strategy against theft is to help and encourage people to secure their property. In addition, the situation at Redhills remains a concern.
- g) Steven gave his apologies for the July meeting: he will be on annual leave.
- 4. The minutes of the previous meeting
- were agreed as a correct record.
- 5. Matters arising
- a) County Hospital site: As a result of Jean Meredith's inquiries, and the subsequent article in the Northern Echo, Roger had spoken to Sandra Manson of Signet Planning, the planning consultancy for the scheme. She had emphasised that plans were still at a very early stage, but expressed willingness to meet us and discuss them. The CCP discussed what we want for the future of the site:
- We value the green space and established trees at this entry point to the City. It already gives a visual sense of openness: this should be retained, and ideally extended to some degree of public parkland.
- While the later accretions would not be missed, the Victorian building at the heart of the site should be preserved.
- Given the importance of the site, consultation with neighbours should interpret 'neighbours' quite widely. We discussed whether we should organise a meeting of residents' groups city-wide, or whether some other body, such as the City of Durham Trust, might be prepared to do this.
- It was agreed that since Steven is unable to attend our next meeting, rather than seek a replacement we should defer the PACT meeting and instead invite Signet Planning to meet us. Jean was thanked for obtaining this information, and she in turn expressed thanks to Mark Tallentire for the press coverage.
- b) The Council appear not to be intervening in the building work at 51 The Avenue. Roger and Ann will contact Pam Glaister (the Council's Senior Enforcement Officer) ahead of our next meeting, to see whether there is any news. Meanwhile, Nigel is already seeking a meeting with Stuart Timmiss, and will add this issue to the discussion.
- c) Clean and Green Move Out: the end-of-term clear out seems to have started, to judge from the proliferation of black rubbish bags in the back lanes. Frankie had not yet received information supposedly sent to all students about the 'Clean and Green' campaign.
An e-mail had ben circulated in which students were advised: "If you are leaving before the recycling collection, ask your neighbours to take in your bin." Roger was asked to feed back to the University that this underestimated the proportion of students to permanent residents in the affected areas.
- d) Late Night Levy: Nigel was asked to investigate what progress the Council was making with this. He was also asked whether the need for a single County-wide policy was contrary to the localism legislation.
- e) Three Tuns Hotel: has been acquired by the University as postgraduate accommodation and conference facilities.
- 6. Redevelopment of the Fred Henderson site
- The Colemans will not be pursuing a judicial review. They had written to the developer about anomalies in the establishment of the boundary line, but had received no reply.
Demolition lorries are now thundering down the adjacent streets (see above) with much noise and dust. There was no facility for washing lorry wheels on the Fred Henderson site, and the builders had only just found out where the water main was; the spray on the bus garage site was not adequate. As a result dust was being spread through the streets. Jackie had complained to the Council of noise and dust, and been told to monitor it. The meeting felt that this was the Council's job; Nigel would pursue via Environmental Health and Health and Safety Departments. Roger would investigate whether conditions imposed on the planning consent were being observed.
- 7. Councillors' Reports
- Nigel had nothing to add to the above.
- 8. Date of the next meeting
- Tuesday 2nd July 2013.