Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 4th October 2022

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Joan Adams, Lesley Aers, Robert Banks, Margaret Jefferson, John Knowles, Ellen Ann MacKenzie, Brendan McKeon, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Alan Shearer, Judi Webb, Joe Witherspoon,
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Alan Doig.
Roger Cornwell welcomed new members; he was asked to convey the best wishes of the meeting to Angela Mussett.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Emma Backhouse, Gillian Banks, Alexis Cleveland, Morag E. Crichton, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Vicky Mattless, Pat Mussett, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed, Ann Stokes, Sarah Wilkinson,
Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.
Cllr Richard Ormerod
3. The minutes of the September meeting:
were approved as a correct record.
4. Livers Out leaflets and deliverers
Simon Priestley reported that he now had supplies of the leaflet; this had been delayed because University staff were much occupied with sorting out problems of accommodation. He also had ample volunteers to undertake deliveries.
5. New Refuse and Recycling Bins
Lesley Aers reported that with the term barely started, her student neighbours were already using the wrong bins.
Cllr Liz Brown had not been consulted about the introduction of this scheme in her ward, and was not happy that elderly residents were now required to take their waste down hills in often slippery surfaces to reach the communal bins.
The leaflet for students living out had been finalised before this new scheme was introduced, and so did not explain the system.
Cllr Esther Ashby suggested there might be scope for student volunteers to help: but it would be necessary to check the insurance cover for any such action. Durham County Council's Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change is Alan Patrickson; the Councillor responsible is Mark Wilkes; if anyone writes to them about it, please copy in Cllr Liz Brown.
Joe Witherspoon reported problems with people not returning their bins to the designated spaces after emptying; Liz would follow up on this, as local ward councillor.
6. Recruitment of new members to the CCP
The meeting discussed what could be done to make it easier for new members to find the CCP. Liz could put a notice on the noticeboard outside Rushford Court (and elsewhere). Simon asked whether we were included among the community organisation listed in the 'Cross Quarterly' parish newsletter. Jean Rogers and Roger Cornwell would put together a publicity notice.
7. Reports from County Councillors
a) The written report from Cllr Richard Ormerod was discussed, with particular reference to items about the Margery Lane benches and the riverbanks.
b) Cllr Liz Brown reported that work on the collapsed wall at 1 Crossgate Peth had been scheduled to start in late September; this did not appear to have happened. It was also queried whether it would be acceptable to rebuild with brick (rather than as previously, stone and brick): she would ask the Heritage Officer.
Rubbish seemed to have been removed from the front of 24 The Avenue; the landlord had also promised to tidy up the garden.
An upholstered sofa left outside 2 Alexandria Crescent was described by a student resident as "garden furniture" and "iconic"; she was later told that it had been removed to the back of the property.
Margaret Jefferson asked whether DCC was still monitoring air pollution: the answer was yes, that options to reduce air pollution are being discussed.
8. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) Cllr Alan Doig reported that the Parish Council is seeking nominations for Good Citizen Awards and for the Blue Plaque scheme.
The Parish is in discussion with DCC about future use of the former coach park on the Sands: they would like to see it returned to this use, but accepts this is unlikely.
Following the most recent meeting of DURF (Durham University / Residents' Forum), the University was no longer taking responsibility for ASB: they were no longer funding additional policing, and were not interested in an equivalent to Newcastle's Operation Oak. Pro-Vice Chancellor Jeremy Cook's statement to Palatinate that Durham did not have enough private rented accommodation was already being quoted by developers to support planning applications.
Alan would make contact with 'Cross Quarterly' on the CCP's behalf.
b) Esther reported that she had attended a tour of the police control room, and been very impressed: Inspector Dave Clarke is very keen to involve members of the public. One initiative to deal with AntiSocial Behaviour is the introduction of a breathalyser system which enables door staff to breathalyse people entering pubs and bars.
She had followed up last month's discussion on the availability and condition of public toilets in the city. The toilets in Riverwalk are privately owned, and there is no agreement with the Council to make provision. However, after being very badly damaged by vandals, they should now be about to reopen., and she hoped that now communications had been opened, matters would improve. The Council had been reminded of the availability of funding for Changing Places toilets (but a requirement was that these should be in publicly owned buildings).
There had been a meeting about heavy traffic using Lowes Barn Bank, but no solution had been found.
The Peskies Park project continues to make progress; she is looking at re-treeing.
The Parish Council is considering the possibilities for opening buildings as Warm Spaces / Warm Hubs during the winter, and also for supporting people in their own homes. Alan emphasised that the rôle of the Parish is to make connections: it could not undertake to do the work itself.
She noted that for the first time a bar has opened in Silver Street, which is a further shift in the nature of the city centre. In this context, Roger drew attention to the planning application for the former Marks & Spencer store in Silver Street, to convert to 'Stack' premises (similar to the Newcastle outlet), consisting of multiple units, some bars and some fast food outlets. It was described as"family friendly", but would not include any shops.
9. Date of next meeting
The next meeting would take place on Thursday 3rd November 2022.