Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes
Minutes of the meeting, 7th February 2023
- 1. Attendance
- Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Drew Lowrie, Brendan McKeon, Malcolm Reed, Jean Rogers, Alan Shearer, Ann Stokes, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon.
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Alan Doig
Lily Patterson-Holt
Plus three student observers from the Department of Geography.
- 2. Apologies for absence
- were received from: Joan Adams, Morag E. Crichton, Vicky Mattless, Simon Priestley, David Ramsden,
Cllr Richard Ormerod,
Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.
- 3. The minutes of the January meeting
- were approved as a correct record.
- 4. Proposed licensing application for Hawthorn Terrace
- Roger Cornwell introduced Lily Patterson-Holt, the organiser of last year's "Platty Jube" street party. Lily had given a presentation to the Parish Council Planning and Licensing Committee about her application to license Hawthorn Terrace, in the course of which she had expressed the desire to speak to local residents: Roger had therefore invited her to the CCP meeting.
Lily explained that she was planning a street party to celebrate the coronation between 2.00 - 10.00 pm on Saturday 3rd June. There would be live (amplified) music; hot and cold food would be on sale, as would alcohol. She would be applying for a road closure for Hawthorn Terrace, which would only affect the roadway: the pavement would be open to pedestrians at all times, as would the back lanes, but this would not give access to the party area. The intention was for an event similar to last year's, but opening with a more family-friendly event during the first few hours: music would be acoustic, the sale of alcohol could be delayed, the atmosphere more serene. She was working with the people behind Durham's bid to become UK City of Culture 2025, and with a DJ from London.
In answers to questions, Lily added:
- She was aware that the numbers attending last year's party were in excess of the maximum permitted by her TEN licence (499). In addition to preventing access through houses, and employing professional security staff, she would this year apply for two adjacent TEN licenses, so raising the permitted number attending to 998.
- Although she described the event as a "Coronation" party, the coronation itself falls during exams; she had therefore chosen a date after exams end. Although she no longer lives in Hawthorn Terrace, she had chosen it as the area of densest student population.
- The University's Estates Manager had not been able to suggest an alternative venue on University land.
- Lily hoped that by paying for private security, she would render unnecessary the level of policing that had been present last year. Drew Lowrie was sceptical about this, and pointed out that the police regularly attend lower league football matches, despite their use of private security and their small audiences.
- Since the event will take place in an enclosed area, portaloos will be provided.
- Cllr Liz Brown gave notice that she can call the application for a street closure to the Highways Committee, and that if local residents ask her to, she will do so.
- Lily was thanked for coming to speak to us, and left the meeting. Discussion continued in her absence.
- The meeting confirmed that we wished to application for a road closure to be decided by the Highways Committee; Roger was asked to write to Liz and say so.
- The only parties who can object to a TEN licence are Licensing and Environmental Health: Roger would find out who needed to be alerted to this application.
- 5. Serviced apartments at The Funky Monk, 1 Victoria Terrace
- Enforcement is ongoing in respect of breaches of the terms of the planning consent concerning use class, removal of trees and changes to the building.
- 6. STACK: update on licensing hearing and planning application
Cllr Liz Brown withdrew from this portion of the meeting.
- Roger reported that opposition to this application at the Licensing Committee had been unsuccessful, although the applicant had conceded some modifications. The City of Durham Trust had issued a press release, which had now been picked up by the local press and on the BBC website. Cllr Esther AShby commented that she had opposed the Parish Council's decision not to appeal, as there is no way to appeal a planning decision.
- The development now goes before the Planning Committee, but a date has not yet been given. The CCP has submitted a written objection.
- 7. Recurring traffic accidents in the Avenue.
Cllr Liz Brown returned to the meeting.
- Jean Rogers summarised the problem of recurring traffic accidents in the steep downhill on the bend in the Avenue, most recently on 28th January: could anything be done about this? Liz had already consulted the traffic department: DCC is now moving away from the use of non-slip surfacing, as they find it fails to adhere; they will not grit any roads other than bus routes (but salt boxes are provided, and refills can be ordered via the Council's 'do it online' web page. She advocates more warning signs.
- 8. State of pavements in the Avenue.
- Ann Evans commented that pavements are crumbling, particularly at the top of the Avenue. Liz will follow up on this. Joe Witherspoon commented that he has used 'do it online' to report similar problems, and been very pleased with the response.
- 9. Reports from County Councillors
- a) Liz reported that a planning application had been received to convert 24 Nevilledale to flats.
Work on the wall at 1 Crossgate was scheduled to start on February 27th. The owner was now paying for a hoarding licence.
The Council's Licensing and Planning departments appear to be granting licences with different end times: she will pursue this.
- b) A written report from Cllrs Richard Ormerod and David Freeman had previously been circulated, and a written response had been received from Paul Jefferson, with reference to traffic on Allergate: Roger would ensure that this was passed on.
- 10. Reports from Parish Councillors
- Esther reported that the Parish Council has been a victim of its own success, undertaking far more work than most other Parish Councils. She has been accompanying the Parish Clerk to stakeholder meetings, and is aware of the enormous workload involved.
- Cllr Alan Doig, the (now Independent) Chair of the Parish Council, asked to be copied in to the CCP's letter to Liz about the proposed Hawthorn Terrace street party.
He apologised for the rise in the precept, which will be used to fund policing in the model of Newcastle's Operation Oak and to continue funding the SWaN (Safety of Women at Night) hub in Saint Nic's. The Parish will also pay for additional policing (as in Cllr Victoria Ashfield's written report) for one year, to see whether this makes life better for all residents.
He emphasised that the way to access these resources is to call the police on 101.
- 11. Date of next meeting
- The next meeting will be held on Thursday March 2nd 2023.