Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 2nd March 2023

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Joan Adams, Emma Backhouse, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Chris Hugill, Margaret Jefferson, Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Alan Shearer, Ann Stokes, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon.
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Lesley Aers, Morag E. Crichton, Ann Evans, Vicky Mattless, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed,
Cllr Richard Ormerod,
Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig.
3. Roger Cornwell apologised
for the meeting being conducted in such a small room: holiday absence meant that notice had not been given to the students that the study room (where we usually meet) was not available.
4. The minutes of the February meeting
were approved as a correct record.
5. Repairs to wall of 1 Crossgate Peth
Cllr Liz Brown reported that, as in her written report, the landlady had promised that work would start on February 17th. Chris Hugill noted that the bricks from the collapsed wall, which had been stacked in the garden, had now been removed. The plastic fencing did not look as if it would be secure in high winds. Liz emphasised that since the property is within the conservation area, like must be replaced with like. She will ensure that the planning department are aware of any issues.
6. Proposed licensing application for Hawthorn Terrace
As far as Roger - and Parish Clerk Adam Shanley - was aware, Lily Patterson-Holt had not proceeded to submit a licensing application. Police and Environmental Health, who have the right to object to Temporary Event Notice licenses, were set to do so, and any application for road closure would also be opposed.
7. Planning application for 24 Nevilledale Terrace
This application has been amended: previously for conversion to HMO. ot is now for conversion to two two-bedroom flats. Sarah Wilkinson has looked at the plans and thinks they are defective: they contain actual errors, and arrangements for disposal of rubbish are unsatisfactory. Roger spelled out the difference in use class between different household arrangements. Cllr Grenville Holland argued that this application must be brought before the committee and opposed.
Jean Rogers pointed out that this is a recognised issue. She quoted the written report from Cllr Victoria Ashfield: "Not entirely unexpectedly we are seeing an increase in applications to convert houses into two bed-flats as this avoids the HMO (C4) category for student houses. The PC is trying to find grounds to object." Was it possible to oppose strategically by looking at the planning status of flat conversion? Unfortunately not, said Liz: the County Plan is silent on the subject, so there are currently no planning grounds for refusal. A campaign would be necessary to introduce a supplementary planning policy. Meanwhile, individual applications may be open to opposition on design grounds.
8. Serviced apartments at The Funky Monk, 1 Victoria Terrace
Liz is in touch with David Chong at Enforcement. As she reported in writing, specific issues being raised concern "the occupation of the property, signage, internal layout, external development(s) and replacement planting." A Planning Contravention Notice has been served on Mr Adamson to which he has responded. Enforcement are "digesting" his response. In the meantime, any noise from the property should be reported to Environmental Health either via Do it Online or by ringing the switchboard on 03000 26 0000.
9. STACK: update on licensing hearing and planning application
Cllr Liz Brown withdrew from this portion of the meeting.
Simon Priestly was thanked for writing the CCP's letter of objection to this planning application; no date has yet been set for its determination. It was noted that the Environmental Health department had objected to the licensing application for STACK Bishop Auckland on noise grounds.
10. Recurring traffic accidents in the Avenue.
Cllr Liz Brown returned to the meeting.
The Highways Department are not interested in taking action on this. It was noted that winter was not yet over: snow was forecast for the coming week
11. State of pavements in the Avenue.
Following the undertaking given at February's meeting, Liz had raised this with Highways. She had now received a reply. The surface is "not considered to be hazardous, dangerous or essential maintenance". They will, however, include it in their inspection rota. Simon thought that the surface had been damaged by the leaf brushes, because surfacing had not been done well.
12. Reports from County Councillors
a) A written report from Cllrs Richard Ormerod and David Freeman had previously been circulated, including information about the installation of a beacon, an action plan to improve air quality, and the end of the Free After Two parking concession. It was hoped that this last might ease pressure on parking in student areas.
b) Liz recapitulated her written report (previously circulated). She added that if the improvements to Flass Well can be implemented, the Miners' Hall, whose property is adjacent, will help with maintenance.
13. Reports from Parish Councillors
Roger thanked Robert and Gillian Banks for hosting the Parish celebration marking the unveiling of the blue plaque on their property.
a) Grenville said that he had not made a written report, since he felt that his colleagues had covered all points, but that he would like to make some general remarks. He encouraged all members of the public to attend the Parish Planning Committee: this does not have the power to stop Durham County Council making wrong decisions, but does provide a voice for the City.
b) Cllr Carole Lattin endorsed Cllr Victoria Ashfield's report, and added that the Durham Heritage Trail is unfortunately not fully accessible, but that an accessible trail is in preparation with the help of Barry Gower of Durham City Access for All.
Simon congratulated the Parish Council on their enhanced Police service: now to see if it works. To this end, he urged everyone to phone in when there is a disturbance.
c) Cllr Esther Ashby had that afternoon attended the funeral of Dr Philip Tattersall, who would be known to many of those present.
The Peskies Park project has made some progress, but she has withdrawn from active involvement and handed over to Cllr Susan Walker.
She had recently been unable to participate in a second annual tour of Durham's nightspots with police officers and dog.
The Parish Clerk is coordinating a wide group of people for Operation Golden Orb (Coronation celebrations): the programme will be similar to that for the recent Jubilee, but with an emphasis on the Commonwealth throughout the events.
The Business Committee had lost two Chairs in succession, as both Cllr Elizabeth Scott and Cllr Richard Ormerod had discovered that the post conflicted with their DCC Portfolio. [Subsequwnt clarification established that Richard Ormerod had not in fact resigned as Chair of the Business Committee, and had found a solution to the apparent conflict]
14. Other Business
Roger reported the death of Mary Hawgood on 23rd December. She was a former mayor of the City and a leading light in the establishment of St Cuthbert's Hospice, awarded the MBE in 2011 for services to the community. Members expressed sadness at this news which had not been widely reported. Margaret Jefferson had heard from the family, and would pass contact details to Roger so that he could write on behalf of the CCP.
11. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday April 4th 2023.