Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 4th April 2023

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, John Knowles, Vicky Mattless, Brendan McKeon, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Val Standen, Ann Stokes, Judi Webb, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon.
Tracey Gallon and colleagues (Unite Students)
Cllr Liz Brown,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Carole Lattin.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Joan Adams, Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Morag E. Crichton, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed,
Adam Shanley (Parish Clerk),
Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland.
3. The minutes of the March meeting
had garbled aspects of Cllr Esther Ashby's report: with this corrected, the minutes were approved as a correct record.
It was noted that Cllr Richard Ormerod remains Chair of the Parish Council's Business Committee, although he has resigned from its Planning Committee.
4. Unite Students community projects
Tracey Gallon introduced two of her colleagues, Irma and Maddy, and spoke about Unite Students' national committment to community engagement (outlined on their website). Tracey would like to build on Rushford Court's relationship with the CCP to develop this further; they have already attained Bronze level, and wish to advance. To do this in the current round, a plan must be submitted to Head Office by 19th April. Possible projects were discussed, and members were asked to send in further suggestions via Roger Cornwell, who will liaise on our behalf. Note that Unite Students will undertake to provide tools, risk assessments etc.
5. Empty properties at the bottom of Back Western Hill
Cllr Liz Brown has had many reports of ASB caused by teenagers (mainly) entering this building through insecure fencing. It has escalated recently, and the fire service and police have become involved. Neighbourhood wardens are also aware. She has reported this to DCCs ASB team and put them in touch with the premises owner. The Parish Clerk has also contacted the owner in an effort to find a solution. She is being kept informed. The meeting recognised that there was a problem in that the owner wants to redevelop the site (and is meeting community resistance) so they have no incentive to secure the property.
6. Supplementary Planning Document on PBSAs
Simon Priestley reported that DURF (Durham University / Residents' Forum) had discussed this supplementary planning document which is currently the subject of a consultation by DCC; it amplifies those paragraphs of the County Plan which deal with Purpose Built Student Accommodation. Simon was particularly concerned about the number of PBSAs being sited on areas of high pollution / poor air quality. Roger added that the City of Durham Trust is drafting comments, and that these will be published on the Trust's website: he will circulate a link when this is done. Cllr Esther Ashby particularly commended the document on trees, but commended all four.
7. Repairs to wall of 1 Crossgate Peth
Repairs now appear to be in progress, at last. The delay had gone beyond what was acceptable, but Chris Hugill praised the conduct of the work so far.
8. Planning application for 24 Nevilledale Terrace
Cllr Liz Brown withdrew from the meeting at this point
A Design and Access statement has now been uploaded to the Planning Portal but is uninformative; the application still contains errors which have not been corrected. It was noted that a similar application for 4 North End had been turned down. The closing date for objections to this application is 20th April, and it was agreed that Roger, Simon and Sarah Wilkinson should meet to draft an objection on behalf of the CCP.
9. Planning permission for 24 The Avenue
Cllr Liz Brown returned to the meeting
As described in her written report, Liz had had a brief discussion with the Central Team Leader on this case. She was of the opinion that the planning permission lapsed last month but she is checking just to be sure. This contradicted information she had previously been given: in July 2022 she had told the CCP that the clock had been reset for a further three years in June 2021 when a planning condition was discharged (believed to be a works description which allowed access to the building site from the Avenue only).
Meanwhile the garden is both overgrown and subject to fly-tipping, and these two problems are remedied in different ways.
10. Plans (if any) for the re-instatement of North Road when the bus station opens in July.
Liz has been told by Cllr David Freeman that there is a plan in place to restore paving and footpaths once the bus station reopens, but she has not been able to see it.
Brendan McKeon urged the Council to take the opportunity to reconsider the use of the North Road as a taxi rank.
11. Reports from County Councillors
Arising from Liz's written report, there was scepticism about the assessment of the Highways Inspector that the condition of pavements in the Avenue is not bad enough to warrant repair. Liz would arrange to meet the Inspector on the spot for a second opinion.
She had circulated an information sheet about DCC's plans for the DLI site, but some members had had difficulty opening this; Roger would recirculate it as a PDF.
She had secured funding for a memorial to be installed at St Cuthbert's church, which has historically served as a burial site for stillborn babies from the then Dryburn Hospital, and from the County Hospital when it was a maternity hospital.
There have been repeated cases of DCC's Licensing and Planning Committees granting licenses for the same premises with different permitted hours. She has organised a meeting with the aim of co-ordinating so that this does not happen in future.
12. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) The written report from Cllr Victoria Ashfield (previously circulated) was noted.
b) Cllr Carole Lattin endorsed Toria's report.
c) Esther reported that an updated plan has now been received for conversion of the disused toilet block below Wharton Park into a café. This was still not fully accessible, but was generally very acceptable. The Neighbour Consultation list was, however, incomplete, since it included only the Grey Tower and not Parkside.
She was very unhappy at the granting of a license for STACK in Silver Street.
A late license had been granted nationwide for the Coronation; a leaflet detailing activities in Durham was about to be delivered door to door, and Esther urged everyone to support in whatever way best suited them.
13. Other Business
Roger circulated copies of the Durham Heritage Trail leaflet: it was agreed that any surplus should be offered to Unite Students for Rushford Court residents.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday May 4th 2023: it was noted without objection that this is the week between Mayday and the Coronation.