Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, 11th January 2024

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair): Joan Adams, Max Arnold, Emma Backhouse, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Martin Hiles, Chris Hugill, Vicky Mattless, Brendan McKeon, Simon Priestley, Jean Rogers, Judi Webb, Sarah Wilkinson, Joe Witherspoon,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Carole Lattin, Cllr Liz Brown.
Roger Cornwell welcomed those attending, and warned them that people had been reporting issues with audibility in the meeting room. He thanked the volunteers who had moved chairs into a more favourable arrangement, and urged members to speak up!
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Lesley Aers, Gillian Banks, Morag Crichton, Pat Mussett, David Ramsden, Malcolm Reed, Ann Stokes,
Cllr Alan Doig.
3. The minutes of the December meeting
were approved as a correct record.

Annual General Meeting

4. The Chair presented the Annual Report, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
a) Cllr Esther Ashby commented on the item about STACK: she was outraged at the state of the building, which was severely neglected pending construction works. Roger was asked to write to the Parish Business Committee, asking them to urge STACK to clean up the site. Cllr Liz Brown observed that STACK had had plans approved for a number of premises throughout the County, but that no progress was visible anywhere.
b) it was pointed out that a report about parking in Briardene should not be read as suggesting all was satisfactory elsewhere in the area, All streets have their problems, and Nevilledale should be mentioned as one example.
c) Brendan McKeon and Ann Evans both commented that they were in general pleased with the reopened Bus Station: Ann asked whether the remaining pick-up points in the North Road were permanent, and if so whether bus shelters could be provided. Esther thought the new building was not 100% perfect: in particular, the cubicles in the ladies' toilets were tiny, and access to the Changing Places could only be gained by ringing for admission. Thinking ahead to the reinstatement of the North Road, could the junction outside Sainbury's / Iceland be improved? Roger proposed that this topic should be placed on the agenda of our February meeting, when we would be better placed to assess it. Cllr Liz Brown added that, for example, rubbish bins were on order but had not yet arrived.
d) the proposed Coronation / end of exams street party had been averted: Liz was thanked for her part in this.
After this discussion, the Annual Report was received by acclamation.
5. The Financial Statement
Treasurer Sarah Wilkinson presented the accounts, which were received, and approved by acclamation.
6. Election of Trustees
Nominations had been received for Emma Backhouse, Roger Cornwell, Ann Evans, Chris Hugill, Simon Priestley and Sarah Wilkinson. All nominees were elected for the coming year.
7. National Organisation of Residents' Associations (NORA)
NORA have not been in touch with Chris Hugill, our nominated representative. It was not clear whether they had ceased activity, or simply failed to register the change of contact. The meeting discussed what value the CCP derives from membership of NORA, and agreed that we had in the past obtained useful information from the experiences and strategies of communities elsewhere. We would therefore like to continue our membership. Chris would contact Mike Costello, to find out whether he was still receiving communications.

Ordinary Meeting

8. Suitability of Meeting Room
Members found the new layout, ignoring the desks and arranging the chairs in a semi-circle, a great improvement. Sarah had been shown the alternative 'meeting room' (in the admin block) and thought it was much too small, so it was agreed to continue with the current location.
9. 24 Nevilledale Terrace - appeal
Mrs Moore has appealed the refusal of planning permission on this property. Simon Priestley had written an objection on behalf of the CCP, and had previously circulated his letter, which had been acknowledged. The case may not be determined for some time: there is a backlog, and no inspector has yet been appointed.
10. Contact with local students
Roger had received and completed a questionnaire sent to all the residents' groups by Katie Jones, Community Warden. It had been agreed at our previous meeting that Student Wardens should be explicitly invited to attend meetings, and Roger would act on this.
11. Durham City Waste Working Group
This is expected to meet in early February; the meeting agreed to agenda it for future meetings until our representatives (Martin Hiles and Cllr Carole Lattin) are able to report back on that.
12. Neighbourhood Wardens' report
The report (previously circulated) was noted.
13. Report from County Councillor
A wall had fallen down in Back Western Hill, which Liz was trying to sort.
She was awaiting the Inspector's report on Planning Policies relating to amenity.
Parking issues: she had been told that parking meters would no longer accept coins, and was following up on this. There was also a query whether the extension of parking charges to Sundays would also include Bank Holidays.
14. Reports from Parish Councillors
a) A report from Cllr Victoria AShfield had been circulated late: this was noted.
b) Esther reported that the Business Committee would hold a meeting with all the banks operating in the city, to discuss the future of banking services.
The large premises on the corner of Riverwalk were intended to remain as retail, but permission had been given for a coffee and cake shop with a minimal entertainment element, under the YouMe brand. However, YouMe's Newcastle premises are very much entertainment-led, with neon lighting and gaming tables.
c) Carole reported on a meeting of the Environment Committee about DCC plans for Market Place 'improvements'. Alice Wilkes (Durham Markets Company) was not happy about the use of bollards to prevent parking, since markets stallholders need reliable access. The seats will be refurbished, but the design will not be changed. The position of Neptune will be changed (again).
A blue plaque had been approved for the house of sculptor Fenwick Laeson in Bow Lane.
The provision of recycling boxes for pill / blister packs had been a huge success, with the result that it had cost three times the projected sum. Boots are declining to contribute, so the council will reduce their allocation of boxes and challenge them to make up the shortfall.
Planting is going ahead for the coming year.
15. Other business
Chris thanked all those who have made the CCP's meetings work throughout the year: Roger, Jean, Sarah, our various councillors...
16. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th February 2024.