Crossgate Community Partnership: Minutes

Minutes of the meeting, 4th June 2024

1. Attendance
Roger Cornwell (in the Chair) welcomed members to the meeting, and also visitors from Hild?Bede College: Joan Adams, Lesley Aers, Emma Backhouse, Gillian Banks, Robert Banks, Ann Evans, Martin Hiles, Margaret Jefferson, John Knowles, Brendan McKeown, David Ramsden, Jean Rogers, Ann Stokes, Judi Webb, Sarah Wilkinson,
From Hild/Bede College: Simon Forrest, Steven Beckett, Charlotte Hunter, Jamoe Rawsthorn.
2. Apologies for absence
were received from: Max Arnold, Morag Crichton, Chris Hugill, Vicky Mattless, Pat Mussett, Simon Priestley, Malcolm Reed, Alan Shearer, Joe Witherspoon,
Cllr Liz Brown, Cllr Richard Ormerod,
Cllr Esther Ashby, Cllr Victoria Ashfield, Cllr Alan Doig, Cllr Grenville Holland, Cllr Carole Lattin, Cllr Susan Walker.
It was noted that many of these absences were caused by a scheduling clash with the AGM of St Nicholas' Community Forum (SNCF).
3. The minutes of the May meeting
were approved as a correct record.
4. Update on the move of Hild/Bede College into Rushford Court
Simon Forrest, Principal of Hild/Bede, introduced himself and his companions: Charlotte Hunter is the outgoing postgraduate student president; Jamie Rawsthorn is community liaison; and Steven Beckett is supporting the college in making the move into Rushford Court. They had hoped to be able to support this information with a PowerPoint presentation, but were thwarted by technology.
Hild/Bede will occupy Rushford Court for a number of years, while building works are carried out on their main site. Thereafter, the University's long-term lease of Rushford Court will continue. Hild/Bede is one of the oldest colleges of the University, and is deeply rooted in the community. The CCP will be welcome to continue to meet on the premises.
Building work on the Rushford Court site is scheduled to end on 11th October, but the main arrival date for students is the last weekend in September. Rushford Court has 350 study bedrooms, accommodating 280 undergraduates, plus postgraduate students. There is an initial problem for the three week period during which no communal space will be available: Hild/Bede plan to meet this by installing two marquees within the outline of the college. This will require both Planning and Licensing Consent, but the CCP is being consulted ahead of drawing up these applications. The intention is to apply for a club license, serving alcohol only until 11.00 pm (10.30 on Sundays). Access to the marquee during Freshers' Week would be for Freshers only (by wristband) They would not seek a music license, and did not intend to do anything which would require one; but they were working with specialists in noise mitigation. Some of the traditional new term events would be held elsewhere in town. [After the withdrawal of the Hild/Bede party, the CCP agreed that it would raise no objection to the plan for a marquee as described; Roger would continue to liaise with the college.]
Ahead of Freshers' Week, the college will write to local residents with details of the schedule, and contact information.
Jamie Rawsthorn, the college's liaison officer, is keen to work with local groups and organisations. Among those suggested on the spot were the Friends of Flass Vale, the Friends of Wharton Park, and Redhills; other ideas can be e-mailed to Jamie and are always welcomed.
5. Emergency Plan - update
Martin Hiles outlined progress towards a city-wide Emegency Plan, divided into areas drawn up by the Parish Council. The borders of the Crossgate community were still under discussion, but fuzzy borders had the merit of flexibility. The distinctive characteristic of the Crossgate area was the steep climb from the river to St Leonard's school: the working group already saw this as roughly divided into two, above and below the viaduct. Rushford Court would provide an ideal third, midway point. Possible sites for first call refuge had been identified, and the next step was to approach those premises, with a target of a completed draft by the third quarter of 2024.
Simon Forrest added that Hild/Bede has already carried out an emergency planning / power loss exercise, and would very much welcome co-ordination with the working group. Martin welcomed this: he noted that many organisations had their own plans, but have not yet shared them.
6. Green Move Out
Martin had seen the minutes of the latest meeting of the Waste Working Group, but had no additional information on when the Green Move Out would happen: two members had so far sighted purple bags.
7. Disturbance from Student Parties
There was a consensus among those present that the eleven o' clock curfew was generally being observed: parties could be very noisy earlier in the evening, but did tend to stop at (or shortly after) eleven. It was noted that the University Response Team works on Wednesday nights and at weekends, and that there had been an increase in Monday night parties.
8. North Road Recovery
Cllr David Freeman had circulated a note about the planned reinstatement of the North Road, scheduled to start on Sunday 23rd June and last for 14 weeks. Works planned include the removal of temporary bus stops, repairing existing pedestrian guardrails, and refurbishing footpaths and street furniture. The council would also be resurfacing North Road, including Crossgate Peth and towards Milburngate roundabout. To complement the works, street lighting equipment will be installed which will project images and patterns onto pavements, and there will also be new lamppost banners for the promotion of festivals and events.
Ann Evans responded that it was not clear from this what provision had been made during the resultant partial closure of the North Road for those buses whose route takes them along the full length of the road; nor whether the "bus gate" would be maintained during works. Roger would ask David Freeman to clarify these points. In addition, Ann repeated the need for safe designated crossing points. More bus shelters / information points (similar to the one on Sutton Street) were also desirable.
9. Consultation on Public Spaces Protection Order
Roger had invited feedback, but had received none. Nonetheless, he will respond on the CCP's behalf.
10. Neighbourhood Wardens' report
The Wardens' written report, previously circulated, was discussed, with particular reference to A-boards. The meeting reiterated that we appreciate the work of the Wardens. Martin had, however, tried to contact them about the Riverbank litterpick, and received no reply.
11. Report from County Councillors
A report from County Councillors David Freeman and Richard Ormerod had been received late in the afternoon, so although it had been circulated members had not had any opportunity to read it. Roger talked the meeting through the highlights, and the proposals on parking were discussed. More details were needed, as what was being proposed did not add up: Roger would feed this back to David.
12. Reports from Parish Councillors
A report from Cllr Carole Lattin had been circulated. There seemed to be conflicting reports on the viability of the Leazes Road footbridge.
13. Other Business
The meeting wished Ann Evans a very happy 90th birthday.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 4th July 2024. It was agreed that despite the General Election we should meet on that date.